Thursday 8 January 2015

An angry note.

Dear England

I have really enjoyed your freedom, friendliness and lack of -20 degrees these past 2½ years. But I have to say, your public services..what the fuck, when are you going to get your annoying shit together?! It's like trying to swim trough a pool of ice cream and jelly. Slow and inconsistent! And who ever came up with that combination btw must have suffered from a stroke at the time. I realise that there are two sides to everything but wouldn't it be nicer for everyone if you at least made a little effort to build a reliable system that made sense so people had time for more fun things then figuring out their bin day or trying to meet the attendance quota? Just for the public services at least. Politeness is a bit like lube..don't squirt it everywhere all the time. People will slip.


Ps. and you wont bust into flames if you don't end everything in a painfully annoying "please" or a sweeping statement! Keep in mind that that's why we hate America. (that and capitalism)

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