Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Dagens präktighet

Mitt favorit ord jusst nu är Präktig.
Det finns så många situationer när ordet präktig bara passar in, nästan framkallar en inre bild av ett visst ansikts uttryck! Loving it.
googles uppfattning om präktighets ansikte

Dagens präktighet är..inte så mycket ett ämne men diskussionerna efteråt. 
Den här morgonen vaknade jag upp till en artickel om tidningen the Sun och deras "sida 3 porr". Kännde att jag leveled up i min feminism när jag bestämde mej för att helt enkelt skippa diskussionen om det (self-5), dels för att en kan förklara i all evighet men det enda det gör är att ta energi från viktigare saker och dels för att det är något motbjudande lustigt över diskussioner om vad som får/inte får göras med kvinnokroppar där alla diskuterande är män.

Diskussionerna handlar alltså om ifall det är bra eller dåligt att tidningen the Sun avslutar sin 40 åriga tradition av topless modeller på sin tredje sida. Och eftersom ni läser dethär på svenska så antar jag att ni redan vet min reaktion när jag först hörde om det: Välkommen till 1800-talet, sexismen! haha.

Men tilbaks till dagens präktighet! 

 Mendan alla nu vrider sönder sej i försök att ha kvar nakenbilder i dagstidningen så kommer det upp en hel det som helt oskojjat fick mej att skratta nästan lika mycket som 'hey girl' bilderna på Ryan Gosling! Här är min top 3:
-Vad ska nu den stackars mannen se fram emot att smårunka till över kaffet? buuhuu!
-Typiskt! här tvingar prydheten ut alla stackars modeller ur sitt jobb!
-Att vara mot sida 3 är oförenligt med att vara för legalisering av prostitution.

Dethär är alltså bara de få diskussioner jag råkat se på facebook.

Först, skaffa dej en hobby! ha hört klättring och våld mot djur är upp for grabs. Sen tror jag nog de stackars modellerna får jobb på nån tidning din pappa läser eller inom porr. Branchen är literally oändlig! Den sista förvånade mej faktiskt..i min åsikt är det en fråga om idividuellt vs. strukturellt tänkande där, tyvärr, inividualismen och enskillda exempel nästan allti får förtur framför ett bevisat strukturellt problem.

Dagens präktighet! skrattar åt den första ännu faktiskt :D
Tycker det är dags för 40 år av dethär nu:

Keep on being Präktig!

Friday, 16 January 2015

Paus Musik.

 Every once in a while..I lie down on the floor..close my eyes..and remember how very lucky 
I've been.

Zic-Zac away!

This week the kids were dressing up as superheroes. Lus designed it him self and 1½ week later, thadaa! 

Turns out making the imaginings of 6 year olds can be tricky. It also turns out that I hate making superhero costumes. There's a sense of ridiculousness about it that seems to really appeal to small children (and grown men) that I can't quite figure out. It's like Justice league one day sat down and said: Right! where can we find colour that don't go together that also show off my crotch. And symbols! we need symbols!

Anyway..in the end I did think he looked pretty cool for a superhero. 

the lion sidekick had to stay home.
A green, gold and black superhero costume with flashes on it! Superhero-powers: running fast and flying. I'm especially pleased with the boots, the shoulder cape and the lady gaga make up! Boots just because they were so much easier then I had thought, just cut out a boot shape from felt, sew it up and glue on to some primsoles. The shoulder cape because it will stop me worrying that he's getting strangled all day. And the make up because..come oon that's so cool, a paint-on mask!
Then I sent him to his dad for his symbol painting, a broken heart with a flash coming out of it. I wonder where he got that from... (no really, I can't believe he came up with that)
Last but not least he got a belt with his superhero name on it. 

Now, Lus is happy! and I'm happy it's over!

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Charlie Hebdo shootings from one feminists point of view.

I love history. And if there's anything history teaches us it's that people love to forget shit they did to get to blame others for revenging.
History also teaches us that long before Irak wars and Paris shootings the western world was a killing conquering superpower.
I don't believe this was about religion..if it was then so is this. I don't think it was about freedom of speech because then we would stand outside with statement papers over our heads for every censure...still this video is banned in England.
The only thing this has to do with is power and money, like every other thing. Someone made an interesting point though. It's never a group or radicalised women who blow people up is it?  It's always young men. But we only put them in context with a large group if they happen to belong to a group we are allowed not to like. It's not like we're still talking about this.

What makes this a feminist point of view is this: I can not look at this without thinking that this..feels like a very familiar pattern.This is protection of the strong on a global scale. Again. I can not say that I understand my own hate towards those who have used me, stolen from me, undermined me, threatened me..and still say "weell this needs to be condemned equally on both sides" (I'm not even touching the crazy-muslims argument with a stick) because no! it really doesn't. They didn't come here to convert us by sword did they? They didn't decide they wanted more land and gold and travelled across the sea and killed everyone, did they?
 We as western world people need to confess our historical sins here and say, yeah we kind of started it. It needs to be fixed together of course..but the one who took land and enslaved and and frankly murdered their way trough the rest of the world centuries ago need to take some responsibility. 
And I don't say this as a "muslim loving leftist communist" (although, when you people out there gets tiers of brown nose-money..!). I say this in recognition of that now I am the privileged group. And I admire the rest of the groups for not going all genocidal years ago because we are dicks! It IS terrible that you can't speak, or draw in this case, your opinion,any opinion, without fear of getting shot, but we have to see that there's a context in which that happens. I love free speech (not to be confused with saying everything that rolls into your head) so throw out your individualist fucking snowflake perception,  take some global responsibility and lets make it actually happen!

I am only giving what I'm asking for. 

Ps. the argument of "my religion is better then your religion" has a lot in common with the "my penis is bigger then your penis" argument! Its ALL JUST PENISES!! my God you're annoying.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

An angry note.

Dear England

I have really enjoyed your freedom, friendliness and lack of -20 degrees these past 2½ years. But I have to say, your public services..what the fuck, when are you going to get your annoying shit together?! It's like trying to swim trough a pool of ice cream and jelly. Slow and inconsistent! And who ever came up with that combination btw must have suffered from a stroke at the time. I realise that there are two sides to everything but wouldn't it be nicer for everyone if you at least made a little effort to build a reliable system that made sense so people had time for more fun things then figuring out their bin day or trying to meet the attendance quota? Just for the public services at least. Politeness is a bit like lube..don't squirt it everywhere all the time. People will slip.


Ps. and you wont bust into flames if you don't end everything in a painfully annoying "please" or a sweeping statement! Keep in mind that that's why we hate America. (that and capitalism)

Monday, 5 January 2015

All the things I didn't do over the new year (a film review).

To be fair, watching films is pretty much accomplishing just as much as the people who believe "we" won in football..that is nothing except sitting on ones ass and get deeply involved in other peoples lives. Hopefully.
Sometimes doing nothing in good company (by which I mostly mean with my husband but also with my self drinking rum when sleep deprived. I'm a fun drunk.) with a ridiculous amount of blankets and mocking be a lot of fun..! And I have watched so..many..films lately it deserves a post.

So here is some of what I enjoyed other people, fictional people, do over these first days of the new year:

Before I googled it I could not for the life of me remember what this film was called so I had it written down as "daniel radclif stalks shy girl - film", but it's called What If. I kind of liked this film most of the time..even if the characters were all pretty shallow images of stereotypical people and everyone knows how it will inevitably end. But it left me with a bitter taste..after the genuily nice friendship building and speeches of sparks it's just another *nudge nudge* at that men and women can't be friends..and that in the end.."boys only want one thing". And it's "true love" when she gives in to his needs and want's. Thanks society, haven't heard that one before.
But I did like that the only truly likeable character was played by that awful guy from Girls! that surprised me :)

When it comes to this film you only really need to see the intro because that was the best part! I laughed so hard I had tears running down my face because..look at it! It's trying so hard to be dramatic that it falls over completely on the hilarious side! Sculls flying through windows, followed by a set of knifes and..a prosthetic leg? and some kind of sausage. Knifes on fire! 
It's like the film knows that everyone has seen its previous 4 films, no one needs any kind of explanation so yeah why not, set a sausage on fire and throw it at the audience! Throw a cup of tea in a pond, smear nails in ketchup, who cares. To loud dramatic music. It was the funniest thing I've seen in a while!
Oh yeah and then there's 1½ hour ish of teens not cheating death.

So..obviously this is a film about men doing man-things experiencing man-suffering from a mans point of view. It couldn't be more excluding if it tried (studies have shown that repeatedly seeing ones only relateable character objectified and helpless while others do important stuff is shit for the mind). But aside from that very common occurrence, this is my favourite film over the new year! 

It looks beautiful, I love the mystery and suspense. So much even so I only realized I'd seen it before at the very end, but I still liked it. It reminded me of a favourite of mine.. From Hell :) 4 gold stars and a penis for that one!

This could have been my favourite. But it's not. Not because it isn't good, it's very good, I've seen it before but now with English subtitles it took a lot less effort to be with in the story! 
I think sometimes that people like period films because it gives them a sense of distance while still getting to relate. Because say what you will but the world hasn't changed. It only looks different and our expectations are different. This story is a real story and still, we are only one wrong turn away from their world. All the time. Especially now and that's probably why they are popular..lot's to relate to..on a safe "so long ago" distance of course. 

The reason I like it is of course just because of that, but also It appeals to my passion for love, enlightenment and social justice. Then again it also feeds a restlessness and a pain that is a struggle already, so it will have to be my second best.

Thadaa! those are my 2015 film reviews. Me watching other people pretend to do stuff. Awesome!

These are on my wish-list for next time:

The End.

Friday, 2 January 2015

Back to 1647

And there it is. On new years day I finished the house I've been having an on and off relationship with since I came to England. It looks nothing like I first imagined. It's so much better then that.

So now they have all taken their belongings with and moved into their new house, the little people of 1647. There's a core family of 4 adults and 4 children and then there's the alehouse woman and the two guests. 

I wanted to make this one come alive, like a snapshot of one moment, so for the first time ever these are all glued into position and have, at least a try for, actual facial expressions.
The reason there's so many people in it is because I wanted to have it feel really crowded and, to me, homely as I imagine these Tudor houses to be. So step in!

It is the year of our Lord 1647 

On the first floor there's the alehouse 'the Green Barrel' and it's people. There's the landlady and in-keeper mistress Kenshaw, a headstrong widowed Italian of 45 who likes arguing and drinking with her cat into the small hours. Shouting with her is the dinner guest,a glover from down the street with puritanical ways, who wants a refill and at the other table sits a guest with a slightly more interesting story..maybe?
Caught in between ,on her way out to get some toads legs and butter, is the family's youngest daughter Rachel. She is 6 and blind on one eye from coal burn as a baby but she is the cleverest of the children and will one day step into her aunts spellmaking shoes..

A floor up lives the Ashworth family. Rachels older sister Judith who is 9 likes to sleep late and play the lute and will be the one who goes up in this world. She watches her younger brother play a game as enthusiastically as he does everything. Zachary is 8. He is the prettiest and wittiest and for the latter he is his mothers favourite.
'Look at this!' he shouts into the other room as he spins the toy.
His mother opens the window to throw some pamphlets out but turns to look. mistress Ashworth is a society lady turned revolutionary by marriage. Once her eyes were opened and her voice spoke out there was no turning back.
 Bare feet she walks to not wake up her brother-in-law who sleeps in the bed. The family business is printing and engraving..but he has come back so recently she is careful of him seeing what they print on the side. 

This is a levellers house after all.

When coming home from the wars on the continent after being wounded the younger of the Ashworths met a different life. His parents were now both dead, their house sold and he moves in with his brother and his wife, their 3 children and sister-in law on top of the Green Barrel. After long gazes and stolen nights sitting on the staircase he proposes to miss Susanna Molyneux and swish! they now have a little baby. Baby Benevolence.

Running up the staircase you meet a draughty passage and a large door without handles. Inside the room is hot and steamy and slightly strange smelling. Susanna Ashworth is stirring in the cauldron and tastes. Almost done.
A few years younger then her sister she is happy not to be the mistress of any household but get to indulge in her passion; potions and concoctions! Though some say she seems a bit witchy she makes her own money selling medicinal cordials to wealthy clients who, dispite her running away with her sister 10 years earlier, trusts her far more then the average wise-woman. She is kind and headstrong..and the children's favourite. 
'Leave the bread!' she shouts at her brother-in-law.
In the room next to her is the landlady's cat Chissle lusting after some fresh rabbit meat.

Rocking her baby to sleep is her brother-in-law. The older Ashworth brother sneaks some newly baked bread before heading out again. He is determined, adventurous, charming and a brilliant engraver, which came in handy when getting into the newly popular printing market after the world was turned upside down.. With the green ribbon safely hidden inside the doublet he likes coffee and pipes and is, at times, as vain as his wife. 
And so, she holds the family together and he holds her together. 

Now it's time to leave.
Follow the Ashworths out into the turbulent streets of the civil war. And do not forget which side you are on!