Saturday 28 April 2012

My dolls finding their new homes - the French Theatre family.

Since I will be moving away very soon my dolls from previous obsessions has decided to try their luck at moving out in the world as well. By the world I in this case mean my disappointingly small home town, but hey! if I was 3 inches tall I'd probably think that was enough world for everyone.

First to go was the star of my French Theatre from 2008, Lux Landry ( yes, that is what I named her). She hopes to make it to the big stage and do serious drama. Nothing but fame and fortune is what she's set her mind to! Taking farewell of the little musichall (that quite frankly smelled a bit too much like booze, lice and syphilis for her taste!) and the other dolls who have become like a close family, she packed her bags and jumped.

The rest of the French Theatre-family is still waiting to get their chance.
There is Jasmine, the warm hearted can-can dancer..she was in a bit of a hurry, as most of the time, and forgot her dress! but at least she has shoes on her feet and a smile on her face. The rest will fall into place eventually..she thinks. 
With her she has the theatres handyman and everyone's big brother (metaphorically of course). He had no real interest in leaving at first..the musichall life suited him just fine (apart from the night there was a show going on.) But there comes a time for change for everyone and when Jasmine asked him to join her he felt that time had come! 
But surely such inexperienced and reckless dolls need some one who knows what they're doing? so Charlotte decided to jump along! Actually she tired of the place long ago, but family is family after all.. Truth is there isn't anything she'd not like to see in her life so whatever comes she's exited to see the world outside!

..let's just hope they don't en up MURDERED like can-can girl nr.2! The road (or in this case fleemarket) is a dangerous place for a young defenceless doll..she expected to get her heart broken when she decided to go on her own..but never did she expect decapitation. It's a good thing she's a doll..a hot night with the glue gun will soon heal that up.

Left on the rooftop with a guitar and the last bottle of absinthe is the 3rd and last can-can girl (not yet changed from the last show) and her lover, the play-writer. As the sun sets on an era they soak up the last parts of a truly magical time. Their little son is a sleep in his bunkbed for the last night. Tomorrow morning starts a new life. Together they will concur the world.

And as the French Theatre closes down, the audience will be on the hunt for the next new thing, the next star on the stage, the new entertainment. Strolling along they too hope to be picked up for new adventures! 

Just one last look couldn't hurt though, could it..?


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