Saturday 26 September 2015

Victorian little bits

Dried my tears after last post (yes, there were tears, a lot of tears, deal with it) and now it's onwards and upwards with some hats and stuff! There isn't really that much to say about it other then that I made some hats.. One red velvet bonnet, which I forced both my child and sister to wear before I came to the conclusion that I must have accidentally made a child bonnet ..or both me and my sister suffer from large headedness... either way. But I'm still pretty happy with it! I started it the same day as we went to Dickens World in Chatham (finally!!) so I felt inspired.. 

The other one I made that day too and is supposed to go with my latest Victorian dress and a jacket for the next Dickensian Christmas hopefully. It's really just Lus old upcycled summer hat but hopefully it will look like it fits in. I like that it's a bit torn, that's kind of the look I'm going for. I also really do like making hats because it's so easy, it's just stuff glued onto other stuff really. The only bit of sewing is inside and the back of the bonnet, that I did hand sew to make sure it fit.

This on the other hand requires much more sewing! I've started my next Victorian dress. It's going to be emerald green and dark grey. I found the green fabric in my next door charity shop and though.. "that looks like arsenic green!" so yeah, that's how I knew. We'll see how it goes...

 Because passion was never a weakness.

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