Sunday 19 October 2014

a Rippery Halloween update (creepy warning!)


 So I ruled out Mary Kelly as my Halloween personality, it just creeped me out too much! But here's an interesting and terrifying thing I found in my research: They have re-made her face. 

If you have even slightly looked into the ripper murders you have probably seen the pictures of the murdered women, all prostitutes, most in their middleage and well..dead. The difference with Mary Kelly is that she was young and he just went completely murder nuts in there. Of course someone took a picture.. If there had been instagram then this would have been on it right away.

But apparently someone thought it would be an interesting idea to know what she actually looked like! (including me. regret!) And I'm presuming someone else had the skills so here it is. The face of Mary Kelly.

It will surely haunt my dreams. 

But speaking of: here's the longest trailer ever for one of my favourite films!

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