Tuesday 27 December 2011

On the brighter side of Christmas.

There is sunlight poring into my slightly feverish mind again and it seems I survived the dark times this yeas as well..

So in leaving it behind I'm now showing off my latest addition to my Tess-outfit! It's not going to be winter forever so this will make it wearable later on as well. This outfit is not meant to have corset under at all (aaand now I'm going to have to try it..!), unlike my other Victorian outfit, so it's actually some of the most comfortable clothes I have right now. 

(I did wear it at Christmas dinner..my grandmothers comment on it was that I look like her fathers American mistresses..but more on that later..)

It might not be very accurate, but the being-able-to-move-thing is kind of important in my quest to dress as I like on a daily basis..
I can still wear a hat though!

The other thing I'm showing off today is my handsewing skills. As I've most likely mentioned many times I have wanted to sew something entirely by hand, just to see the difference and to sort of appreciate the effort that goes into some clothes. Sort of like a pre-Victorian sewing quest of deeper understanding (sounding like a pretensions douche there..? no..?)

But to the actual creating! My Lus got baby-dolls for Christmas, one with soft body in a good size..but since it was seriously stupid looking in its cerise-pink kicking suit, I decided to sew some new things for it..(or her..it/she has no name yet..) Made from old pillowcases, it's just so cute now! It's the same design as the dress I made for Lus cousin last year.. with matching pantaloons and bonnet. 
Very mid-late Victorian.

It took me about 2 days to make it, which is roughly the time it would take to make the same dress grown-up-human sized on a sewing machine..So now I have some idea of how long it must have taken to make other things.

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