Monday 21 December 2015

Satan and underwear. Two words that would be ill matched on a Christmas card.

I don't know what it is..maybe it's the Victorian farm Christmas in the background or maybe I enjoy the contrast of the white symbolising purity.. but I have a liking for white dresses. Especially white underdresses! So even if I wear the mismatched everyday clothes of the late Victorian towns people (I imagine!)  underneath its all white. I love my white underwear. 
This time I made an underdress for my bustle skirts. Partly because I "need" one but also because I have spent long enough gazing at the bustle-underdress in my local museum.. So here it is! made from one single sheet, which I find pretty impressive because that's not as much fabric to work with as it sounds. I might add more lace as I go along..

So how does satan fit into this? Well, technically he fits in very well! since the Victorians were the first ones to take underwear seriously in a moral way in probably forever.. Aside from other some eras not really having much underwear to speak of and Victorians  really made it into a moral artform (hence the white symbolising purity), they really ruined being naked for everyone. 

BUT that's not something I plan to build on since I quite like being naked so no, satan comes into it via a game that was invented in my bed last night by my friend and soulsister Amanda. She had misheard "secret Santa", the game where you fail at getting a random colleague or friend a suitable Christmas present, and instead it became #SecretSatan, the game where you give a random colleague or friend something they really couldn't or wouldn't use, but you have to put thought into it! So now, lets play a quiz! Of me, Carlos and Amanda, who is who in #SecretSatan.

Answers next time.

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