It took a while from the time when my Lus asked me to build him a house until we actually finished it. Partly because I find it difficult to make things based on someone else's imagination..and partly because I made it together with a very distractable 7 year old. But we did it!
We finally decided on making a house in the way it would be if borrowers lived there. Remember the borrowers? The little people that live under the floors and take things humans no longer need or wouldn't miss..but it's not stealing, its borrowing.
So all of this is made from things we already had around the house, but this time it had to remain looking like what it originally was which turned out to actually be really tricky! The paper walls and shot glass chairs and scrap blankets still look like all of that but now it's useful for a little one as well..
It was, after a while, a lot of fun doing things as a mother-son-building team. I would have never painted it yellow but it totally works. The slide down from the bed..also his idea. The matchbox table and stick-ladder are my personal favourites. And to finish it off he made a little doorbell.
Finally the little Lus shaped borrower got to move into his new home. Who knows, there might be more of them coming...
But for now, it's just little Lus and his pet frog, having a feast.