Sunday 22 December 2013

Waiting for Christmas..

Although I would kind of argue that Christmas isn't really something one "waits" for...that is exactly what today feels like! On one hand it's been a long time since Christmas has been the warm and festive occasion from cards and films, but also because for every year it more and more becomes a race against time to get something even vaguely resembling it. Because as I recently pointed out to my childhood friend, we are now those aunties and mothers that holds life together. She liked my point moderately well. 

BUT! this year I have a very annoyingly long cold going on so that leaves a lot of time for thinking and planing and a lot less for actually doing things. So I am literally waiting.

This day (22 of December) actually has a name, sort of, in Swedish, it's called 'dan före dan före doppare dan'  and oh my god that has a stressful ring to it! It translates to 'the day before the day before....that day you take a bath.'. Yeah. That's what it's called. Obviously. To me more than anything it just reminds me of how much I'd love to get done but probably wont.

But if I did get everything done, it would be something like this:

This year I want to take the best parts of new and old, of  Swedish and British, of christian and pagan, possible and impossible and make a sort of restoration-like scrambled eggs with fish heads sort of dessert! (it going to be better then it sounds...hopefully!).

Oh I mustn't forget! Speaking of Christmas, and more specifically 'a Christmas carol', I did make that night shirt! For one day I had a tiny mr Scrooge walking around in nightshirt and morningrobe saying " Humbug". It was almost as hilarious as the morning I found my Lus in fear of my Julbock (Yule goat)..! That would be another tradition I wont let go of :)

That's the end of my feverish rantings for now. Good luck to you all and God Jul.

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