Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Christmas eve (Julafton)

I'm going to keep it short...in waiting for Christmas dinner and presents...because I like living rather than documenting mostly :) 

Merry Christmas to all! och God Jul!

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Waiting for Christmas..

Although I would kind of argue that Christmas isn't really something one "waits" for...that is exactly what today feels like! On one hand it's been a long time since Christmas has been the warm and festive occasion from cards and films, but also because for every year it more and more becomes a race against time to get something even vaguely resembling it. Because as I recently pointed out to my childhood friend, we are now those aunties and mothers that holds life together. She liked my point moderately well. 

BUT! this year I have a very annoyingly long cold going on so that leaves a lot of time for thinking and planing and a lot less for actually doing things. So I am literally waiting.

This day (22 of December) actually has a name, sort of, in Swedish, it's called 'dan före dan före doppare dan'  and oh my god that has a stressful ring to it! It translates to 'the day before the day before....that day you take a bath.'. Yeah. That's what it's called. Obviously. To me more than anything it just reminds me of how much I'd love to get done but probably wont.

But if I did get everything done, it would be something like this:

This year I want to take the best parts of new and old, of  Swedish and British, of christian and pagan, possible and impossible and make a sort of restoration-like scrambled eggs with fish heads sort of dessert! (it going to be better then it sounds...hopefully!).

Oh I mustn't forget! Speaking of Christmas, and more specifically 'a Christmas carol', I did make that night shirt! For one day I had a tiny mr Scrooge walking around in nightshirt and morningrobe saying " Humbug". It was almost as hilarious as the morning I found my Lus in fear of my Julbock (Yule goat)..! That would be another tradition I wont let go of :)

That's the end of my feverish rantings for now. Good luck to you all and God Jul.

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Gonatt & sov gott!

Nu ska jag snabbt beretta om en idé som jusst nu hänger lite slött sådär på en oanvänd stol i hörnet..Det börjar med en bit vitt bommulls tyg och förhopningsvis slutar med två väldigt olika nattskjortor! 

Först en "stor" gammaldags nattskjorta åt min Lus att mysa i ( men antgligen mäst för mej att mys-titta på, vi får se hur de går med det ), lång med en liten krage och knappar. Sen en pytte liten till hans bejbi docka! Finns en risk att det kryper med en nattmössa också...man vet aldrig.

Det här är delvis en del av min fasination av barn i vuxen kläder och 1800-tals mode, men mäst såg tyget bara ut som det finns en nattskjorta i det.. Får se om jag får ut dem ur tyget nu då...

Känns lite konstigt att skriva på svenska jusst nu..men tänkte att jag ialla fall måste prova..eftersom svenska ändå är mitt riktiga modersmål.

Quick English recap: I'm making adorable nightshirts. The end.