Monday 26 August 2013

Time-skipp! 1940's

5 years of scissor free hair ended not so dramatically yesterday in the garden. Very happy to have a change to go with my life changes..


So with my short hair, to the sound of swing /electro-swing and the 1940's UK radio I have found my way back to my wartime fascination. For so long I have had my hippie like Victorian hair, and a 40's hairstyle is just impossible for me to accomplish so NOW I have all new opportunities!And with that came the inspiration to try to make a 1940's dress. Just a house dress really, the kind made out of curtains during the rationing. I've had a fabric for some time that is just amazing, but it's actually from the 70's...but I think I might just make it work. 

I quite like wartime..rationing and all. Managing well on very little kind of suits me and, aside from that, unlike the sleek and helmet-haired 30's & the curly full figured 50's, the 40's naturally malnourished look works very well for me! So for a while I'll be back to shoulder-length soft curls, red lips & strangely cute summer dresses. Hopefully.

Ps.  Eggs in hair. It's awesome. Totally doing that again.

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