Friday 29 October 2010

my little bohemian teatre

Today I tried to make my dollhouse- theater into a nightlight for my sons room..turns out it was kind of a crap idea, but I still felt like blogging about it. So while Lucien is drinking his "refreshing instant herbal tea" ( that is some freaky shit for a 2 year old! )  I'm gonna tell the story of my doll- theater.

me and my not-so-easy-to-place- theater
I built it when I was pregnant and immovable (first and last time I'm telling you!) and in a way it represents one of the lives I might have had before (reincarnation-style) and kinda still wish I had.

.. inside of the theater, the fancy people watching the play, and upstairs is the dressing rooms
night with lights on

upstairs where the theater people live..

night on the roof

And finally, this is my theater on exhibition at my actress friend's moral support there's  my lover and best friend..i call him Bambi.
Many of the dolls are inspired by people I know..and there's always the fun part of people recognizing them self in the world of dolls.

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