Friday, 24 June 2011

Curious things..

I googled it all by my self!

Now that my mind is free to create it's gone crazy over it! Everything is just so freakin' exiting! But to be more specific, I've kind of picked up where I sidetracked during the wedding dress. So sitting here, in my green striped and slightly too short late 1800's skirt, I'm trying to create something of a way less fancy  spin-off to this---->

I'm being unspecific because that is, so far, my vision. Unspecific.
Mostly I'm wanting to be as historically accurate as possible while I'm doing what we talk about every now and then, my friend Skrutti (yeah u know who u are!) and I. To have the courage to wear your personality on the outside.
all so far..

Anyway. I'm a favour a somewhat inappropriate late Victorian style as my most eccentric, so that's what it will be.. less dramatic than it sounds though.
Already have the petticoats, the corset, the corsetcover and now my green overskirt. So all I need is the bodice..or 2 of them? I haven't decided. And then all the small things that make it look real.

Other than that I also found something fun when unpacking some things. I made this bonnet years ago after having helped make bonnets for a Dickens play..they were just sooo cute! 

my Lus trying it on

 As a last thin, I just want to say...I love oil lamps. 

God night..and happy midsummer!

Monday, 20 June 2011

The W.D. of 2011

 After 6 months of planning..3 months of casual dressmaking..and 3 weeks of intensive fucking is now done. The wedding dress of 2011. 
(Considerably more work than with my own weddingdress!)

So 6 moths ago we started planning, the bride and I. Since that there has been some changes back and forth but the idea has pretty much been the same: The snow white, lace covered, full skirted princess dress.

 First came the underskirt. One layer white cotton with "crinoline-style" tulle netting in 7 rows and finally a thin cotton layer on top. Then the dress. White flowery lace on satin with satin ribbons around the edges and on the short lace sleeves. And to finish it up, a sea-green ribbon to lace up the back!

It was really hard work..but she really looked amazing on her wedding day..and I'm proud to be a part of it!

I must say tough that the stress of a project like this really gets under your skin..everything needs to fit perfectly, nothing can be forgotten and most of all the actual physical strength that goes into holding up, carrying and sewing such a multi layered dress. 
I've sometimes felt like that girl with the the Rumpelstiltskin story.

 Next time I'll be planning more detailed and get a lot more information beforehand!